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Board Highlights

At the February board meeting the directors reviewed and approved the 2023 contract for Underdrain Maintenance and Inspection from our vendor DRC Construction. This plan is crucial for the ongoing health and longevity of our community's extensive network of underdrains and provides the best opportunity to avoid costly repairs in the event of a failure or blockage.

Also discussed was ownership of the community's many group mailboxes, formally known as Cluster Box Units, or CBUs. While the HOA is not technically responsible for addressing glaring issues such as cluster damage caused by vehicles and/or vandalism, we have found the USPS to be less than helpful in responding to such issues. The Board takes the position that it is of paramount importance to ensure all of our residents have reliable and secure access to their mail, even if it means accepting more responsibility within the HOA. More information on the CBU plan will be announced when it is available.

The HOA Committee Code of Conduct’s goal and spirit is to ensure volunteer committee members are aware of their legal protections while operating as part of the HOA and to provide a reasonable standard of conduct to which we can hold each other accountable. A late-February work session offered the committee chairs and board of directors a chance to collaborate on re-development of the code.

We should all keep in mind that all HOA board members and committee members are volunteers. We do what we do to help make this community a better place to play, work, and live, asking for little in return except for mutual respect, kindness, and feedback that is constructive and productive. Please keep this at the forefront of your thoughts as we navigate through HOA events and meetings. Volunteerism is fundamental to the success of our community, so if you haven't considered volunteering before, there has never been a better time than now. We would love for you to reach out via the Contact Us link on the website to learn more about volunteer opportunities.

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