Welcome to The Conservatory at the Plains Community
New Residents
A Letter from the President
Hello new Conservatory Homeowner, we welcome you to the community!

The Conservatory at the Plains HOA strives to offer all our residents a safe, diverse, and beautiful place to live, work, and play. Our website, www.conservatoryhoa.com, is an excellent resource for discovering all that our community has to offer and staying well-informed. Check out the Events page to learn about our seasonal and monthly activities including social events, HOA Monthly Board Meetings, and more. Annual Meetings are held in November each year.
Whether this is your first covenant-controlled community or you are a seasoned HOA resident, please remember that you are responsible for complying with all of our Design Review Guidelines for Exterior Improvements, Covenants, and Rules & Regulations, all of which are available on our website. We encourage each homeowner to familiarize themselves with these documents as their purpose is to protect our property values and preserve the nature and appeal of our community.
Our management company, Advanced Management LLC (AMI) handles the collection of your monthly HOA fees and administers covenant enforcement in the neighborhood. Their office hours are Thursdays from 1-5 pm at the Conservatory Clubhouse if you wish to meet our community manager, Lyndi Fielitz, in-person. Visit clientcare@amihoa.com to set up your homeowner portal. We recommend that you register all household email accounts, so each family member is able to receive our monthly Newsletter and periodic e-blasts containing more urgent announcements.
The HOA is responsible for the Clubhouse, pool and the grounds immediately surrounding that property at 2665 S Jebel Way. We are also served by the Conservatory Metropolitan District, http://www.yourcmd.org. The Metro District is responsible for the neighborhood stone entrance monuments, and the trees and grounds along main thoroughfares, and are funded through your property taxes.
Once again, welcome to our community! We are actively seeking volunteers for a number of committees as well as the Board of Directors. Reach out to us using the “Contact Us” link on our website to learn more about volunteer opportunities.
Andrew Igl, President
The Conservatory HOA
What is your HOA?
Your Home Owner’s Association is a non-profit association of
homeowners whose board is given the authority to enforce
the covenants, conditions & restrictions (CC&Rs) and to manage
the common amenities of the community.
Benefits of your HOA:
Trash pickup & recycling
HOA Common area maintenance (Community Center, pool and
adjacent playground) -
Covenant enforcement to maintain home values
Lifeguard-monitored pool access
Community social groups & activities
Newsletter & Website
Additional Information about your HOA
HOA Board Meetings are held at 5:30 pm on the 2nd Thursday of each month at the
clubhouse. Homeowners are welcome to attend any board meeting to keep informed
about neighborhood concerns.​
Office Hours with AMI are held on Thursdays at the clubhouse from 1:00 - 5:00 PM.
The annual Board Meeting is held in early December.
The date, time and location will be announced in the annual mailing. Homeowners are
encouraged to attend this meeting.
An HOA newsletter is published quarterly to keep you posted on issues, concerns, and social events in the neighborhood. It is distributed electronically to the email provided to the management company or it can be found on the HOA website.
What is your Conservatory Metropolitan District?
The Metro District is a public entity authorized to own, operate, and maintain public improvements and impose taxes to
pay for these services. These services include but are not limited to, grounds maintenance, landscaping and irrigation
on district tracts, snow removal on arterial streets and walks, maintenance of Dog Pot Stations and mail kiosks, and maintenance of community walls, fencing and monuments. Their website is www.yourcmd.org for more information.
To Contact the Metro District, call (303) 987-0835.
The Conservatory Metropolitan District is a completely separate entity and is not affiliated to the Conservatory HOA.
HOA Volunteer Opportunities
Contact us using the online form about volunteering for:
Board of Directors
Social Committee
Welcome Committee
Operations Committee
Communications/Website Committee
Ad Hoc Committees as needed
About The Conservatory HOA Website
This website is not password protected and is here to provide easy access to information about the neighborhood and upcoming activities.
Instructions to set up payments and sign into the online portal to manage your account. If you have any difficulties, please contact AMI.

Local Area Information
Public Schools
Aurora Frontier P-8
3200 S. Jericho Way, Aurora, CO 80013
Phone (303) 693-1995
Vista Peak Preparatory
24500 E. 6th St., Aurora, CO 80018
Phone: (303) 340-0121
City of Aurora
The City of Aurora offers many attractions, events, and services to its residents.
Access Aurora is the online system for contacting the city of Aurora about any non-emergency concerns, questions or requests for service such as street parking issues, noise, pets out of control, snow removal on sidewalks in front of homes, traffic concerns, etc.
Management Contacts
Advanced Management LLC, AMI
Lyndi Fielitz, Community Manager
Phone: 720-633-9722
Email: theconservatory@amihoa.com
Instructions to set up payments and sign into the online portal
This phone number is a direct contact line for our community at AMI. While our management team can be reached at the AMI office from 9 am-5 pm Monday through Friday, a representative from AMI is available for Conservatory residents from 1 pm-5 pm every Thursday in the Conservatory Community Center.
Handy Contact Information
Emergency ................................. 911
Aurora Police non-emergency .... (303) 627-3100
Aurora Water .............................. (303) 739-7388
Xcel Energy ............................... (800) 895-4999
City of Aurora ............................. (303) 739-7000
PAR Officer:
The Aurora Police Department assigns an officer to specific areas of Aurora to act as a community liaison. Please feel free to contact your PAR officer regarding non-emergency neighborhood concerns that might involve the police.
Aurora Police Department
District 3 PAR Unit Area 22
Mon-Thurs 6:30-4:30 pm
Phone: 303-627-3175
Neighborhood blogs (not sponsored by HOA)
Facebook group: Neighbors of the Conservatory, Aurora, CO
NOTE: If you have a question or concern for the HOA, please contact the HOA directly using the online form.​