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Board of Directors Election
Call for Candidates

The Conservatory Homeowners Assoc. is a not-for-profit corporation governed by an elected five-member Board of Directors. This year there are three (3) positions open. One is a three-year term and the other 2, filling vacant two-year terms.


The mission of the Association is to maintain, enhance, and promote the value of the homes and community amenities. Board members require knowledge and skills in group leadership, consensus building, and decision-making. Anyone in good standing with the HOA can submit their name for the election. 


If you are interested in serving your community as a candidate:

  • Please complete the Board Self-Nomination form.

  • Send a short bio & social media-sized photo suitable for publication.

  • Email to with BOARD NOMINATION as the subject.

  • The deadline to submit the form, bio, and photo is Monday, October 28th at COB.

  • Results will be announced at the Association’s annual meeting on December 5th.


To prepare you for service on the Board, you are encouraged to attend board meetings and read your Association’s Governing Documents (CC&Rs, Bylaws, Articles of Incorporation, Architectural Guidelines, and Rules and Regulations). For questions use the Contact Us option on our website.


A summary of Board member duties and responsibilities

  1. Attend monthly Board Meetings.

  2. Prepare for the Board Meeting to be able to make informed decisions.

  3. Work with groups/committees in the community to provide guidance.

  4. Work with others, in a friendly and cooperative relationship, presenting opposing views with professionalism and civility.

  5. Have a flexible schedule and be able to attend meetings during business hours when necessary. Expect to devote 5 – 10 hours weekly to emails and board business.

  6. Attend and participate in the required training.

  7. Sign a Code of Conduct agreement.


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