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Updated: Apr 25, 2023

During Stage 1, watering is limited to no more than two assigned days per week, with no watering permitted between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. These dates are based on the last digit of your address. Odd street addresses water on Wednesdays and Saturdays and even street addresses water on Sundays and Thursdays.

Gardens may be watered by automatic systems on any day during approved hours, and by hand at any time, but you should still do your part to use water as efficiently as possible.

If you missed the Waterwise Presentation April 21st at the clubhouse visit the city’s website at

Another presentation on the Grass Replacement Incentive Program (GRIP) is scheduled for Wednesday, May 24th. Your HOA will be working with residents to comply with the new regulations while still maintaining our landscaping standards. Mowing and weed removal will still be required per usual, but if you plan to allow your lawn to go dormant during a warm month, please make the community manager aware and follow the instructions on how to manage a dormant lawn on the city’s website. Any plan to convert a traditional lawn to an approved waterwise version requires approval from the DRC. We understand these watering restrictions are not ideal but we should do all we can to conserve this valuable resource.

Other items of interest:

  • Block Parties are gaining interest with a group of homeowners learning how to gather their neighbors together this summer.

  • The DRC is developing an expanded color palette and studying Waterwise landscaping options to share with homeowners.

  • Residents at the April board meeting expressed interest in having general questions answered. The Contact Us function on the website has a specific drop-down menu option to ask a question for the benefit of the community. These questions can be answered directly, or even in the next monthly Newsletter if the information is known and beneficial to share with everyone. If you have a question about the community, chances are someone else may be wondering the same thing.

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